Is it time to leave your lender?

mortgage home loan lender

It’s imperative to ask us to regularly review your mortgage and ensure it’s right for you. Here are some signs it may be time to shop around for a new lender.

Should you refinance now?

Refinance home loan

Is now a good time to refinance? At the very least, now is a good time to review your home loan to make sure it still measures up.

Refinancing cost and fees

Refinancing Cost and Fees

Refinancing can be a great way to save money if you believe you are paying too much for your loan, but there is more to it than just finding a loan with a lower

Should you refinance for a better deal?

Refinancing a loan can take advantage of lower interest rates to bring down the overall cost of servicing a loan. But it’s not always the best, or the only, option. There are many different factors borrowers need to consider when thinking about refinancing a loan. The first step is to speak to an expert about […]

The Cost of Home Loan Refinancing

Cost of Refinancing

Refinancing can be a great way to save money, but you might incur costs such as exit and establishment fees, government charges and administrative or legal expenses. These costs need to be weighed against the benefits to determine if you’ll save in the long run.